This graph shows us the percentage of frequency of feelings of forgiveness. We can see that the lower percentage corresponds to the people that never forgives and on the other hand we have that the 21% of the people forgives often, which is just a 4% more than the people that never forgives. In the middle of the graph we have the people that forgives sometimes, which percentage corresponds to the bigger one: 62%. So we can say as a resume that the people tends to be in the middle: the lower percentages are in the extremes.

This graph shows us the percentage of frequency of feelings of anger. We can see that the main percentage is in the middle: the 67% of the people says that they have feelings of anger just sometimes. Besides, we can see that the lower percentages are in the extremes options: often and never. The 27% of the people says that they never feel anger, while just a 6% of the people, which corresponds to the lower percentage, says that they often feel anger. In this graph occurs the same situation: the people tends to be in the middle and the lower percentages are in the extremes, and both graphs are about frequency of feelings.