jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

Blog 2: News [Men and women? Both from Earth]

Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/aug/30/gender-equality-evolutionary-psychology-sex

Hello! Today I have to choose a new from http://www.guardian.co.uk, and tell you why I choose it.
Well, this new is about the Evolutionary Psychology, and how in some ways it can increase the stereotyped vision about the 'differences between men and women'. This type of psychology it's supposed to give the 'big answers', like Ditum says, specially answers that it have to do with sex. They do a effort in order to explain our behavior based on our genetic heritage.
I choose this new because I think it's a very interesting topic. In the chilean society, you can see, even today, that most of the people think that 'women and men' are differents.
It's obvious, of course, that we're differents (in the physically way, I mean), but if you ask some people, they might say you that the differents between men and women are... genetics!. That means that you can't change it. And people can take the Evolutionary Psychology as a proof of that and say to you: "But look, science says so". But they don't know that the stories evolutionary psychology tells are speculative.

Women are not less than men. Maybe, the most of us, are not stronger than men, but I don't think that I have less CI than someone because I'm a woman. I think we're the same in that aspect and in many others. Science shouldn't be taken in this way, reinforcing stereotypes and gender roles.

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