jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

Blog 5: Correct a blog.

My faculty (this is the correction)

My faculty is Social Sciences and my career is Psychology. This is a good faculty, because it has good teachers that are dedicated in their areas. On the other hand,are things that should improve, for example, the infrastructure and the technologies. The first step to solve this situation is to improve the organization and the distribution of resources.Another problem I have seen is that the careers of psychology, anthropology, education and sociology has no communication between them. This is a problem because these careers correspond to different fields of science so they should be interconnected. This is demonstrated first in the arrangement of classrooms, for example, in the building of the Faculty of Social Sciences, the first level is for Education, the second for anthropology, the third level for sociology and the fourth level for psychology. This situation prevents that we talk between us in academic terms, which is extremely important because as I said earlier, all these careers unfold in a scientific setting. This would produce a better learning, more comprehensive. For that, I think it is important to propose in the regular channels of the faculty, to give primary emphasis to a restructure in the arrangement of the classrooms. Other deficiencies in the political governing of our faculty, is the lack of communication with other universities. We should have more conventions, programs, courses, etc., in order to establish a connection, permanent and dynamic, with careers of other establishments, privates or states, to take advantage and learn the different approaches that can give us the same career. In conclusion, I think our faculty needs more unity and communication.
Finally, as my classmates and I commented, this faculty as the other faculties of this campus has many problems, especially in infrastructure and resources.

Blog: http://alondrarichards.blogspot.com/

Hello everyone! How are you today? Are you OK? I hope so!

In today’s blog I have to make the correction of one of my classmates’ blogs.

In the blog that I choose I found little mistakes, and they were just a few ones. In general I think that the topic is very well developed, and besides, it proposes a very interesting idea.

Let’s start!

The first thing that I noticed was the fact that there were missed a lot of capitals. Most of the people may think that this is not an important thing, but when you are writing for an evaluation, or if you have to write a paper, it’s very important to write in the correct way.

The other thing that I noticed was that there were some problems with the punctuation and the connection between the ideas. For example, when you’re going to give an example, the connector “for example” should be between two commas when it’s in the middle of the sentence. About the connection between the ideas, it is very important to manage some ‘key’ words that are very useful at the moment of redacting something, for example, “because”, “on the other hand”, “in order to”, “and”, etc.

Finally, I would like to say one more thing: when you’re writing in English, but is not your native language, it’s very important to be careful about some words in Spanish that can ‘escape’ when you are typing. In this case there were only one and small word: “y”, that is “and” in English.

So that’s all for today. Take care!

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

Blog 4: My faculty

Hello everyone! How are you today? Are you OK? I hope so! Are you happy? I hope so!
In today’s blog I am going to write about my faculty. I am studying psychology in the ‘Facultad de Ciencias Sociales’ of the Universidad de Chile. This faculty is located in Campus Juan Gómez Millas.

The current situation here is that we won the Bicentenary project. This project offers us to improve the infrastructure, build new buildings, and make our faculty a beautiful and lovely place to be.

On the other hand, there is a project that was already approved, that consist in the increase of quotas. This will mean that the next year we would be 30 students more than this year studying psychology. But, in order to deal with this situation, the first thing we need to do is to improve our faculty: the classrooms are too small for the students that we already are (in some classes we are like sardines in the classroom), 30 students more would we hell!

The Bicentenary project that we won it seems to be the solution to this problem. But it is a pity that the project has not started yet. We are in October now, this year is ending, so, when will the constructions start?

If in the next year we don’t have a new building, I don’t think we would be able to receive the new students, because as I mentioned before, they would be a lot more. Really, a lot!

In this moment I don’t think my faculty is ready, first we must improve a lot of things, and then! Just then, we could think on increase the quotas.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Blog 3: A country I'd like to visit.

Hello everyone! How are you today? Are you OK? I hope so!

In today's blog I'm going to write about a country I'd like to visit. If you ask me, the country that I would love to visit would be Korea.

Why? Well, I'm very interesting in Korean culture. Right now I'm learning Korean because I really hope to travel there someday. I love Korean music, specially 'k-pop' or Korean pop, so the first thing I would do there would be to go to a concert of one of my many favorite artists... that would be a dream come true.

Besides, I think Korean food it's really good. I've already ate some of it here in Chile, but it would be great if I could eat it in its native country.

On the other hand, it would be really nice if I could talk Korean with a Korean… to have a conversation, hope an interesting one, in order to prove myself that I have really learned it. Can you imagine how it would be for me if a native Korean tells me that my Korean it's really good? That would be amazing!

I'd like to visit Korea one day. That would be the best experience in my life, ever.