jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

Blog 6: The quirky world of "manspaces"

This is a Sam Martin’s talk. He talks about the “manspaces”, so the first thing you question to yourself is: What are the manspaces? Well, the manspaces are the spaces men create for themselves. Very simple, isn’t it? Sam says that he made his own ‘manspace’ with just 3,000 dollars and some recycled materials: It had everything he needed, it was quiet, there it was enough space and the most important thing: He had the control.

He did some research and found out that manspaces have a historic precedence. For example, Elvis had two or three manspaces. On the other hand, we can see that in the popular culture some fiction characters had their ‘manspace’ too: Superman had the Fortress of Solitude and Batman had the Batcave.

After realize that, Sam decided to do a journey and see what guys were creating for themselves now. He found over 50 spaces that were unexpected and surprising. They were very personalized and had a lot of work into them. Sam was very impressed, why all this manspaces were like that? This is the answer: the guys that he met were all very passionate about their professions, so they created that spaces to reflect what they love to do, and who they were.

I think that Sam’s talk was very interesting, but I think he missed one detail: men are not the only ones that create spaces for themselves, women can (and absolutely they do) create their own spaces, that we should call now ‘womanspaces’.

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