jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

Blog 7: Next elections

Hello everyone! In today’s blog I’m going to talk about an issue that takes place in one more month: presidential elections.

I think that the presidential elections are a very important issue because it is the election of the person that will govern the country for the next 4 years and it is the possibility to choose the person that could improve the country and the social problems that the Chilean society has.
In spite of that, I’m not going to vote. I am conscious that it is a very important decision and because of that I think that I should vote when the candidate really worth it.

I think that the candidates, all of them, need to be more conscious about the problems that our society has. Maybe it’s just me, but I have the impression that they have in their minds something like an ‘utopian society’ and forget the important problems that must be improve.

I would not like to participate in politics in the future, but, as a politician, I would like to ‘educate’ the people a little bit more. For example, I was in the bus the other day and an old lady just launched an ice pack out of the window. I was so furious about that, I don’t know why people just left their garbage in everywhere. I hope that someday people learn something about ‘taking care of the place where you live’.

Well, I know that that is a little detail in comparison to all the problems we have. Hope that things get better soon!

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